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Relentless 2

Relentless 2

$10.00 Regular Price
$6.00Sale Price

Grayson, The Vampire King might have his hands full trying to uncover his enemies plot, trying to weed out the friends from foes in his circle, as well as helping Gigi to accept all that she has become, but his desire has NEVER wavered to love and protect Gigi at any cost. As he gets closer to the truth, he comes to the shocking discovery that Georgina’s grandmother is still alive. Now, Gigi has to make a choice… 

“Whom would she choose? Will she spare the person that obviously doesn’t give two shits about her because the damn woman took up with people that desire to bring down her husband? Or will she rip the woman’s spine from her body to show that she has chosen this Kingdom and Grayson?”

This family reunion will be nothing less than killer!

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